1.1 Inch 96x96 Small TFT LCD Display With 11 Pin 4W SPI Interface of KWH011ST03-F01
The KWH011ST03-F01 is a compact TFT LCD display ideal for integrating visual elements into various devices. Here's a breakdown of its key features:
Display Size and Resolution: Measuring 1.1 inches diagonally, the KWH011ST03-F01 offers a resolution of 96 x 96 pixels, providing a clear viewing experience for essential information or small icons.
TFT Technology: Utilizing Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) technology, this display delivers vibrant colors and sharp visuals, even at small dimensions.
SPI Interface: The 4-wire SPI interface simplifies communication between the display and your device's microcontroller, making it easy to incorporate into your project.
Small Form Factor Applications: With its miniature size and efficient design, the KWH011ST03-F01 is perfect for space-constrained applications like wearables, handheld devices, personal digital assistants (PDAs), instruments, meters, MP3 players, portable media players (PMPs), and healthcare devices.
Customizable Solutions: The manufacturer, Formike, caters to custom small LCD display needs, allowing you to tailor a display solution that aligns perfectly with your project requirements.
If you're looking for a high-quality, compact LCD display for your small device or have an inquiry about custom LCD solutions, Formike's KWH011ST03-F01 and their customization options are definitely worth considering.
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