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Monochrome Graphical Display 240x128 Graphic LCD Display 240x128 Dots Graphic LCD Modules(WG2412B2)Monochrome Graphical Display 240x128 Graphic LCD Display 240x128 Dots Graphic LCD Modules(WG2412B2)Monochrome Graphical Display 240x128 Graphic LCD Display 240x128 Dots Graphic LCD Modules(WG2412B2)Monochrome Graphical Display 240x128 Graphic LCD Display 240x128 Dots Graphic LCD Modules(WG2412B2)Monochrome Graphical Display 240x128 Graphic LCD Display 240x128 Dots Graphic LCD Modules(WG2412B2)Monochrome Graphical Display 240x128 Graphic LCD Display 240x128 Dots Graphic LCD Modules(WG2412B2)Monochrome Graphical Display 240x128 Graphic LCD Display 240x128 Dots Graphic LCD Modules(WG2412B2)Monochrome Graphical Display 240x128 Graphic LCD Display 240x128 Dots Graphic LCD Modules(WG2412B2)

Monochrome Graphical Display 240x128 Graphic LCD Display 240x128 Dots Graphic LCD Modules(WG2412B2)

  • LCD Name: Monochrome Graphical Display 240x128 Graphic LCD Display 240x128 Dots Graphic LCD Modules
  • Display Format: 240*128 Dots
  • Display Mode: STN
  • LCD Color: White text on Blue background-5V;White text on Blue background-5V;Black text on Yellow-green background-5V;
  • Display Type: Graphic COB
  • Outline Dimension: 144.0(W) x104.0(H) x 12.8 mm
  • Viewing Area: 114.0MIN(W) x64.0MIN(H)mm
  • Drive IC: T6963C
  • Viewing Direction: 6 O'clock
  • Backlight: Yellow-Green or White
  • Driving Method: 1/128 Duty, 1/12 Bias
  • Operating Temp.: -20℃~+70℃
  • Storage Temp.: -30℃~+80℃

 Monochrome Graphical Display 240x128 Graphic LCD Display 240x128 Dots Graphic LCD Modules

monochrome graphical display 240x128

Product Specification
LCD Name Monochrome Graphical Display 240x128 Graphic LCD Display 240x128 Dots Graphic LCD Modules
Display Format

240*128 Dots

Module Size 144.0mm×104.0mm×12.8mm
View Area  114.0mm×64.0mm
Active Area 107.95mmx57.55mm
Dot Size 0.4mm×0.4mm
Dot Pitch 0.45mm×0.45mm
IC T6963C
Interface 20 Pin, 8-bit 6800/8080 MPU interface enabled
Driving Method  1/128 Duty, 1/12 Bias
Viewing Direction 6 O’clock
Operating Temperature -20℃~+70℃
Storage Temperature -30℃~+80℃
Different series type LCD mode for you to choose
No. Part Number  LCD Type  Backlight Color Font Color  Background Color  Voltage
1 WG2412B2SBY6B-A1 STN Y-G Positive Yellow Green Color  Black Color Yellow Green Color  5V 
2 WG2412B2SKW6B-A1 STN Grey Positive White Color Black Color Grey Color 5V
3 WG2412B2SGW6B-A1 STN Negative Blue White Color White Color Blue Color 5V


240x128 graphic lcd display

240x128 lcd


A WG2412B2 is a specific model of a 240x128 LCD display. It is a liquid crystal display (LCD) with a resolution of 240 pixels in width and 128 pixels in height. The WG2412B2 display consists of a grid of tiny pixels that can individually change their opacity to create images or text.

To use the WG2412B2 LCD display, it is typically connected to a microcontroller or similar device to send commands and data to the display. The display usually includes a controller chip that interprets these commands and controls the pixels accordingly. Programming languages like C or Arduino can be used to send commands and data to the WG2412B2 display, instructing it to show specific images or text.

There are several reasons to choose the WG2412B2 LCD display:

  1. Compact size: The WG2412B2 display with a resolution of 240x128 allows for a relatively small display size, making it suitable for applications with limited space.

  2. Adequate resolution: The 240x128 resolution of the WG2412B2 display is sufficient for displaying simple graphics, icons, and text in many applications.

  3. Cost-effective: Compared to higher-resolution displays, the WG2412B2 LCD display is often more affordable, making it a cost-effective choice for projects with budget constraints.

  4. Low power consumption: The WG2412B2 LCD display, like other LCD displays, generally consumes less power compared to other display technologies, making it suitable for battery-powered devices or applications where power efficiency is important.

  5. Wide availability: The WG2412B2 LCD display is widely available in the market, making it easy to source for various projects.

Ultimately, the choice of the WG2412B2 LCD display depends on the specific requirements of the project, such as size constraints, budget, and desired functionality. It can be used in various applications, including:

  • Industrial equipment
  • Medical devices
  • Consumer electronics
  • Instrumentation and measurement devices
  • Automotive applications
  • Home automation and control systems

The WG2412B2 LCD display can provide visual feedback, status information, user interfaces, display menus, icons, basic graphics, readings, waveforms, measurement results, and more.


Tel:+86 135 0965 9856

Contact Person:Coco Liu


Coco Liu
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